There are three main rules when it comes to making good cooked carrots. In no particular order they are:
1) Do not overcook the carrots.
2) Do not overcook the carrots.
3) Do, not, overcook, the carrots! (Said in your best Captain Kirk imitation)
Glazed Carrots |
Wash, cut carrots in your preferred style, place in water in a pot, bring to a boil, lower heat to simmer. In five minutes (or less if you've cut them very small), remove one and taste. Repeat every 2 minutes or so until desired taste and texture is obtained. It bares repeating, for best results - do not overcook the carrots (I'm sensing a trend here). Drain. Add equal amounts butter or margarine and brown sugar (about 2 tablespoons each for 3-4 cups of carrots). Stir. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve. And please try to remember, do not overcook the carrots.